Vom 1. bis 9. August findet die 38. Europäische Jonglierconvention in Bruneck, Südtirol statt. Die Voranmeldung startet am 1. April: „In the last month we’ve organised a lot and put together many pieces for this EJC and now the EJC needs the help of every single one of you! We need as many preregistrations as possible in the first prereg-phase (April 1st-30th 2015) to ensure the financial security of the event. You profit from an early registration as well because there is a big price-difference between the 1st and 2nd prereg-phase.
Preregistration starts on April 1st 2015 and the first phase ends on April 30th 2015. Yes, this is just a period of four weeks, so make sure you are ready then and register and don’t wait until the last day! The early bird catches the worm (or ball, club, diabolo – whatever you prefer…). The Festival-ticket includes access to all EJC-sites and events, camping and a Gala Show-ticket.“
Alle weiteren Informationen findet Ihr auf der Homepage der EJC 2015.